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Life Drawing at Porter Brook Studios every Tuesday evening from 7pm to 9pm with artist Rebecca Roche and illustrator Alex Coward. £6 per session.
These sessions offer individuals of all abilities the opportunity to improve their drawing skills by working directly from life. We provide a fully equipped studio, free refreshments and a friendly and inspiring environment. Our male and female models change weekly on a rota basis, keeping each session new and interesting.
We also have a very few places left for our next full-day session on Saturday 9th July from 10.30am to 4pm. This session costs £20 and includes lunch. Spaces are limited so anyone wishing to attend should email Rebecca and Alex at pblifedrawing@yahoo.co.uk or telephone Alex on 0114 221 97 33 to reserve a place.
Porterbrooks Studios are located next door to the main Yorkshire Artspace Persistence Works building at 3 - 7 Sidney Street, Sheffield, S1 4RG. Join our Facebook group Porter Brook Life Drawing for news about upcoming events such as our regular all day sessions.
Etching Workshop with Rosemary Watson on Saturday 13th August 2011 from 11am to 5pm in studio 22 at Persistence Works Studios. In this 5-hour workshop you will be exploring the techniques of etching using less toxic and more environmentally-friendly etching and printmaking processes. Limited editions may be printed from the plates or unique prints made using monoprint inking techniques.
Suitable for beginners and individuals with previous experience. Max 4 participants. Cost £35 including all materials.
Life Drawing + Painting Workshop with Rosemary Watson on Saturday 20th August 2011 from 11am to 5pm in Studio 22 Persistence Works Studios. This 5-hour workshop provides an opportunity to explore and practise the use of drawing pastel and water-based media to represent of the life figure. Suitable for beginners and individuals with previous experience. Max 4 participants. Cost £30 (plus model's fee approx £15)
To book a place on one or both of Rosemary's workshops, please contact the artist directly at info@arosemarywatson.co.uk
Ceramics Workshops with Brian Holland at Persistence Works. Brian's sessions run every Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and Saturdays from 10.3 am to 1.30pm and 2pm to 5pm. All aspects of ceramics are covered including hand building, throwing, glazing and glaze formulation, raku firing, working with paper clay.
You will be able to learn about making sculptural works, vessels and wall pieces. The course suits beginners as well as the more experienced. Cost per 3-hour session is £15 but you can save a few pounds by booking for 5 sessions for just £62.50 - these sessions don't have to be consecutive so if you miss one, it won't be a problem.
Please note: Materials are not included in the price fo Brian's workshops but you can drink as much green tea as you like at no extra cost. Contact Brian directly for further details or to book a place brian.holland100@virgin.net