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If exploring Open Studios gives you a thirst to try something creative yourself, you're in luck! Check out our fantastic workshops and events taking place over the weekend.
Try downloading the Situate app for our new guide to open studios, allowing you to look up artists by name, artform or building so you can make the most of your visit.
Friday 20th November
* Raku pottery firing with Brian Holland at Persistence Works Studios. 6pm - 8pm. A small charge for materials applies. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
* Mary Queen of Scots Haunting at Persistence Works Studios. During the evening you may also catch a glimpse of the ghost of the captured Queen! Wearing a robe of finery made by local school pupils.
* Street Signs Project: this year you can find your way to Yorkshire Artspace Open Studios by following some rather special street signs. Sheffield based artists Pete McKee and Kid Acne have created their own truly unique road signs; look out for their work along Brown Street on your way to visiting the open studios at Persistence Works.
Three more special road signs will pop-up near Exchange Place Studios, based on the theme of ‘artist at work’ designed by young people from High Storrs School during a workshop led by Castlegate Artist in Residence Paul Evans.
Saturday 21st November
* Saltwater and ink workshop with Tessa Lyons at Persistence Works Studios. 12pm - 3pm. FREE!
* Winter lantern workshop with Lizzy Alegaswaren at Exchange Place Studios. 11am - 4pm. FREE!
* Demolition Mood Board with Helen Stratford at Exchange Place’s 5th floor ‘Panoramic Studio’. 11am-4pm FREE! An exclusive opportunity to view the final stages of Castlemarket demolition and to create your own part of a ‘Demolition Mood Board’. Whether welcomed or opposed, over 2015, the steady dismantling of Castle Markets has been a constant source of fascination. What if these scenes of deconstruction were presented as ‘Design Inspiration’ or ‘Trend’ choice? Play with themes from architecture and interior design to explore how the demolition site might be mediated for our consumption.
* Have a go on a pottery wheel with Victoria Dawes at Manor Oaks Studios. 11am - 4pm. FREE!
* Fire pit story telling with Green estate team at Manor Oaks Studios. FREE!
* Street Signs Project (as above)
Sunday 22nd November
* Raku pottery decorating and firing with Mike Scowns at Manor Oaks Studios. 11am - 4pm. FREE!
* Make your own ceramic Christmas decoration with Hannah Stanniforth and Meghan Downes at Manor Oaks. 11am-4pm FREE!.
* Peter Griffiths Live art activity Come and find out more about Peter's project which brings together photographs submitted by members of the public. Pick up your FREE copy of the resulting artwok. Exchange Place. 12pm-3pm
* Christmas metal workshop with Starter Studio silversmiths at Persistence Works Studios. 11am - 4pm. FREE!
* Mary Queen of Scots Haunting You may also catch a glimpse of the ghost of the captured Queen! Wearing a robe of finery made by local school pupils at Manor Oaks Discovery Centre & Turret House 11am-12.30pm then with a special poetry reading by Geraldine Monk at Exchange Place Studios from 3pm.
* Street Signs Project (as above)
* Outdoor Film Screening event - 'Shining a light on Castlegate' 4pm onwards at Exchange Place studios. This screening marks the end of Paul Evan's 8 month residncy in Castelgate, a partnership between Yorkshire Artspace and University of Sheffield. A short programme of films and images relating to Castlegate by: University of Sheffield School of Architecture, artists Richard Bolam, Paul Evans, Peter Griffiths, Victoria Lucas, Steve Pool and Glassball. This largesclar projection aims to illuminate and reveal hidden layers of meaning on the Castlegate Quarter.