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The Starter Studio Programme for Engaged Practice has undergone some developmental changes following over 2 years of experience, success and feedback. So as we enter our 3rd year we are now pleased to announce our 'new offer' which we think provides a very exciting, beneficial and unique opportunity to early career stage artists/practitioners who are interested in developing ideas and work in a social context. We have places for 4 artists/practitioners for up to 1 year during 2013 to gain direct experience and learn new skills through devising and delivering work. You will have rent-free access to the shared Starter Studio space at Knutton Road Studios for up to 1 year (applicants suggest own timeframe), a small enabling budget of £1,250 to develop work that is socially engaged/community focused and the support of experienced mentors and programme manager.
Deadline for applications: 10am Monday 1 October 2012/Programme can start Jan 2013
Click here for further details on the new offer and application forms.
image: Starter Studio at Knutton Road