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The new Action Research Programme for Engaged Practice has got underway. The 4 new artists on the programme this year: Elisa Heikila, Frances Bowman, Daniel Newton & Paul Allender are beginning their year with a few days of intensive training & workshops;
Day 1 was led by Rachael Dodd, Programme Manager and Steve Pool mentor/artist and looked at what we mean by Action Research Methodology and some background on the Yorkshire Artspace Engagement Programme in Parson Cross.
Day 2 saw a presentation from programme partner Karl Greenwood of Multistory about their work in neighbourhoods and introduced the Small Change approach to community development/intervention.
Day 3 had a more practical feel facilitated by artists/mentors Steve Pool & Kate Genever. The morning saw us all taken on a spectacularly beautiful snowy winter walk through Grenoside Woods near Parson Cross. And in the afternoon back to the Knutton Road Studios to develop a collaborative 'creative' response to the mornings experience or 'proposition' as Steve & Kate put it.
There is still more to come and by end of Feb all artsits will have clearer idea about the reserach project they want to explore in Parson Cross over the course of this year. More updates to follow.