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A Piece of Turf

Jamie Mills & Beatrice Karol
A Piece of Turf
20th May - 19th June
Exchange Place Studios

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday
10am - 4pm

Illustrator Jamie Mills and writer Beatrice Karol present a collaborative exhibition of drawings and text in response to the ecological complexity of a small patch of turf.

A Piece of Turf explores the idea that ecology is dark, mysterious and magical. Presented as a collection of chinagraph drawings, monoprints and fragmented prose, the exhibition highlights and celebrates the overlooked undergrowth teeming with life. By looking closer at a patch of earth and zooming into intricate details, it is possible to recognise the abundance of life, death and exchange present on both the largest and smallest of scales.

Available alongside the exhibition of work will be a publication for sale, bringing together the images and text in a limited edition art book.

"Roots tangle in soil. In the soil excrement. In the soil leaves. In the soil wings legs eyes. Where cells meet cells."


  • Facemasks must be worn in the gallery, unless you are exempt.

  • You will be asked to sanitise your hands as you enter.

  • You will be asked to scan our NHS Track & Trace QR code, or provide contact information.

  • Numbers in the gallery will be limited and you may be asked to wait outside.